Saturday, June 25, 2016


Last year I sat at home in Indiana and watched the #notatISTE tag and to be honest, had some FOMO, but it wasn't just fear of missing out, I knew I was missing out.  I wanted so badly to be at ISTE that I decided that this year, in Denver, I would.  I would find a way to get to Denver.

So here I am, sitting in the airport waiting to board that plane and I couldn't be more excited, nerdy excited.  I'm excited to learn more about coding, 3D printing, computer science, the latest and greatest in the edtech world.

However, I am most excited to be surrounded with educators who are like me, passionate, energized, and taking it all in.  Educators who are not content doing the same thing day in and day out and claiming that it is "good enough."  Educators who have made innovations to the way we can teach students that have been tested, used, and enjoyed in a real classroom.

There are some conferences that get the creative juices flowing and the continuous stream of ideas being bounced off other excited professionals.  There are conferences you leave ready to throw yourself back into your classroom because you can't wait to try whatever new idea or lesson you put together the evening after a long day of conferences; you just couldn't wait.

This is the type of conference I look forward to at ISTE this year.  One of those that your brain feels so full  that you don't know where to start, but at the same time you want to start everywhere.

So as I get ready to board my plane, I'll let the excitement continue to build and hope that it will be everything I imagined sitting on the other side of a computer last year.  See you in Denver!

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